If your state participates in the Common Core initiative you may be wondering: What are the 4th grade math Common Core standards, and what tools are available to make sure your child is on track? In the article, we outline the common core 4th grade math standards.
Amber Watkins
November 7, 2023
If your state participates in the Common Core initiative you may be wondering: What are the 4th grade math Common Core standards, and what tools are available to make sure your child is on track? In the article, we outline the common core 4th grade math standards.
Amber Watkins
Nov 7, 2023
If your state participates in the Common Core initiative you may be wondering: What are the 4th grade math Common Core standards, and what tools are available to make sure your child is on track? In the article, we outline the common core 4th grade math standards.
Amber Watkins
Nov 7, 2023
Key takeaways
Table of contents
The Common Core State Standards Initiative, commonly referred to as Common Core, was created to ensure students in varying states are receiving a standard math education. Although 4th grade math standards vary by state and school, the majority of the country has adopted Common Core.
As a parent, you may be wondering: “What are the 4th grade math Common Core standards and what tools are available to help my child master these objectives?” In this article, we outline the 4th grade math standards for Common Core with examples of each objective so you feel confident about where your child stands.
The Common Core Math Standards for fourth grade consist of five overarching standards with various math skills your 4th grader is expected to master under each. The five 4th grade Common Core math standards are as follows:
Let’s dive into these standards to better understand what they mean and what skills they entail.
Fourth-grade common core math standard ensures sure your child can:
This 4th grade common core math standard ensures your child:
This 4th grade common core math standard ensures your child can:
This 4th grade common core math standard ensures your child can:
This 4th grade common core math standard ensures your child can:
The goal of Common Core is to establish a set of uniform math standards. Forty-two states currently follow 4th grade math common core standards. However, these eight states do not teach by these standards: Texas, Virginia, Nebraska, Alaska, South Carolina, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Indiana. Many of those states follow their own 4th grade math standards.
One notable state is Texas which uses TEKS- Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills which sets the standards for what students should learn in each grade.
By the end of 4th grade, students should know how to multiply and divide multi-digit numbers, solve word problems with basic operations, simplify fractions, and understand the characteristics of lines and other shapes – 4th grade Common Core Math Standards cover each of these topics.
Students can practice math by using a math app like DoodleMath for access to high-quality math games and 4th grade math practice. Other ways to practice math include downloading free 4th grade math worksheets and playing online math games.
A 4th grader should learn how to add and subtract fractions, multiply and divide multi-digit numbers, and understand the characteristics of lines and shapes in math.
Common core 4th grade math focuses on basic operations with whole numbers and fractions, word problems with multi-digit multiplication and division, geometry, and analyzing data.
Lesson credits
Amber Watkins
Amber is an education specialist with a degree in Early Childhood Education. She has over 12 years of experience teaching and tutoring elementary through college level math. "Knowing that my work in math education makes such an impact leaves me with an indescribable feeling of pride and joy!"
Amber Watkins
Amber is an education specialist with a degree in Early Childhood Education. She has over 12 years of experience teaching and tutoring elementary through college level math. "Knowing that my work in math education makes such an impact leaves me with an indescribable feeling of pride and joy!"
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