What Does AM and PM stand for?

Easy definitions for A.M. and P.M. and the story behind how we tell time today

headshot photo of tess loucka


Tess Loucka


Oct 2024

Key takeaways

Since Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt were flourishing civilizations, the 12-hour clock has been in use. Initially, the first half of the day was tracked using the sun’s cycle while the second half was tracked using the moon’s cycle. 

Over time, these two cycles developed into what we refer to as a.m. and p.m. — the two terms that keep us on track and on time every day. 

Understanding how a.m. and p.m. work is the key to being able to tell time and do it confidently, but what does am and pm stand for?

What does AM and PM stand for?

The abbreviations a.m. and p.m., sometimes written as AM and PM, are used to differentiate times in the first half of the day from times in the second half of the day.

As you can see, the am meaning and pm meaning refer to different parts of the day. 

So what does am stand for? The term a.m. stands for “ante meridiem” which is Latin for before midday. 

What does pm stand for? The term p.m. stands for “post meridiem,” meaning after midday. Pretty straightforward, right?

At this point, you may be wondering, “What time is midday?” Worldwide, midday is 12:00. In the USA, we refer to midday as “noon” and write it as 12:00 PM. If you use the 24-hour clock, drop PM when writing the time. Midday is when the sun is at the highest point in the sky.

AM vs. PM

Both a.m. and p.m. refer to a 12-hour period. The first 12-hour period lasts from midnight to midday or noon. That’s 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 a.m. The second 12-hour period lasts from midday to midnight. That would be 12:00 p.m. to 11:59 p.m.

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AM, PM and Military Time

Since the purpose of using a.m. and p.m. is to differentiate between the first half of the day and the second half on 12-hour clocks, there is no need for them when using a 24-hour clock. 

12-Hour Clock vs 24 Hour-Clock

12-hour clocks repeat hour numbers while 24-hour clocks don’t.

24-hour time is the default for time-keeping in most countries.

But why do some countries use a 12-hour clock while others use a 24-hour clock?

In 1876, Sir Sandford Fleming, a railway engineer and inventor, missed his train while traveling in Ireland because a misprint on his ticket said p.m. instead of a.m. After that, he proposed that all train stations use the more straightforward 24-hour clock instead. 

This idea was brought to Washington D.C. during the International Meridian Conference of 1884, where it was adopted and shared with delegates from 26 countries around the world. 

By 1893, the 24-hour clock was adopted by Italy, and soon after, nearly every European country had adopted the 24-hour clock as well. 

The US adopted the 24-hour clock during WWII, but it was, and continues to be, only used for the military. 

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Converting AM PM Clocks to 24-Hour System

There are three rules to follow when converting 12-hour time to 24-hour time:

  1. The first hour of the day, 12:00 a.m. to 12:59 a.m., can be converted by subtracting 12 hours and removing the a.m. For instance, 12:35 a.m. would be written as 00:35. 
  2. Times between 1:00 a.m. and 12:59 p.m. are the same on a 12-hour clock as they are on a 24-hour clock. Just remove the a.m. or p.m. 
  3. For times between 1:00 p.m. and 11:59 p.m., add 12 hours and remove the a.m. or p.m. For instance, 1:18 p.m. becomes 13:18.

Converting Military Time to AM and PM

To convert 24-hour time to 12-hour time, just take the previous steps and do them backward! 

  1. The first hour of the day, 00:00 to 00:59, can be converted by adding 12 hours and writing a.m. So, 00:48, for example, would be written as 12:48 a.m. 
  2. Times between 1:00 and 11:59 are the same on a 12-hour clock. Just write a.m. at the end. 
  3. Times between 12:00 and 12:59 also stay the same, but now, write p.m. at the end. 
  4. For times between 13:00 and 23:59, subtract 12 hours and write p.m. at the end.

For more practice telling time, solve word problems or play time-reading games using a math app or website.

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FAQs about AM and PM

AM stands for ante meridiem, which is Latin for before midday.

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