DoodleMath Research and Impact

Research-based personalized math app for kids in grades K-5

DoodleMath Research and Impact

Research-based personalized math app for kids in grades K-5

DoodleMath Research and Impact

Research-based personalized math app for kids in grades K-5

This solution meets the standards of Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) aligning with Level IV “Demonstrates Rationale”.

Realize progress in math with award-winning individualized practice

With growing pressure to build students’ math confidence and proficiency, it’s more important than ever that teachers and learners have the right tools for success in learning math.

Aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, DoodleMath offers a fun and easy way for students to build skills and fluency in math online, at their own pace, while teachers gain time to create impactful instruction that connects to real-world problem solving—nurturing a lifelong love for math. 

Realize progress in math with award-winning individualized practice

With growing pressure to build students’ math confidence and proficiency, it’s more important than ever that teachers and learners have the right tools for success in learning math.

Aligned with the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, DoodleMath offers a fun and easy way for students to build skills and fluency in math online, at their own pace, while teachers gain time to create impactful instruction that connects to real-world problem solving—nurturing a lifelong love for math. 

Studies suggest summer learning gains with DoodleMath

Examining the impact of summer break engagement

Performance increases with math app usage

Degrees of improvement in math performance across usage groups

Degrees of improvement in math performance across usage groups

Findings suggest positive impact of summer break engagement

Two summer studies investigated the effects of our math app, DoodleMath, on 10-year-old learners’ mathematical performance over the summer.  

Study 1 examined the result of different levels of voluntary engagement with the app on knowledge gains and whether socioeconomic status and attitudes towards math impacted those effects.

Study 2 followed a similar procedure but randomly allocated participants to an experimental (app access) or a control condition (no app access)


Click Next to view the results.  

Both studies show that students who used DoodleMath over the summer greatly improved their mathematics performance.

There were significant differences in pre- and post-test scores* among participants who used the app over the summer compared to those who did not use the app.


Click Next for a closer look at the results

*While post-test scores among Study 1 participants in the no use group were lower than their pre-test scores, this was not found to be significant.


There was significant improvement among high-use participants compared with those who did not use the app.


Click Next to see further comparative results.

Similar to study 1, there was also improvement among participants in the Math App group compared with those who did not have access to the app.  


Click Next to see student ratings of DoodleMath on measures of intrinsic motivation. 

Measures of intrinsic motivation were rated high across usage groups in both studies. Participants with summer access to the app rated DoodleMath high on interest, perceived choice, and perceived competence.

Additionally, study 1 found no relationship in app usage or math performance and socioeconomic status. 

Taken together, the findings are encouraging and suggest the app’s beneficial impact on summer learning loss.  


 Download the full report to learn more

Awards and recognition


Teaching with evidence, learning by design

DoodleMath is built upon a theory of action about how best to enhance the K-5 learning experience in mathematics. A theory of action is a collection of statements that hypothesize how intentional actions will result in change, based on insights from existing research. Our theory of action statements describe the philosophical foundation underpinning our approach to mathematics education. At the core of this model are four essential components, or domains, of high-quality teaching and learning in elementary mathematics.

  • Domain 1: Accessing prior knowledge 
  • Domain 2: Constructing new knowledge in mathematics 
  • Domain 3: Building reasoning in mathematics 
  • Domain 4: Connecting math concepts to daily lives

    Based on this theory of action, DoodleLearning produced a logic model that serves as a conceptual map for the DoodleMath learning app.   

Learn more about our theory of action at its
research base.

Read more about the logic model behind the K-5 DoodleMath app.

Meeting evidence-based standards & funding goals

DoodleMath meets the rigorous evidence-based standards defined in ESSA — meeting Tier IV evidence criteria for federal requirements— and is aligned to the funding goals outlined in the CARES, CRSSA, and American Rescue Plan legislation. Original content undergoes independent evaluation to confirm best practices in curriculum design and integrity. 

Our reach


Accessed in over 80 countries

Available online or offline on laptops or mobile devices, Doodle empowers children to learn math anywhere, anytime!

primary maths curriculum

Welcoming pilot schools in the U.S.

DoodleMath is now aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Math in addition to the English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, and Spanish curriculums.


Helping children around the world

As just one example, DoodleLearning has supplied 1,200 Kindle Fires with DoodleMath pre-installed to schools in Nigeria.

Our reach

Accessed in over 80 countries

Practice online or offline on mobile, laptop and desktop devices. Doodle empowers learning anywhere, anytime!

primary maths curriculum

Welcoming DoodleMath pilots in the U.S.

Doodle is now aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Math in addition to the English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, and Spanish curriculums.

Helping children around the world

As just one example, DoodleLearning has supplied 1,200 Kindle Fires with DoodleMath pre-installed to schools in Nigeria.

Why children love Doodle

Accessed in over 80 countries

ractice online or offline on mobile, laptop and desktop devices. Doodle empowers learning anywhere, anytime!

primary maths curriculum

Welcoming DoodleMath pilots in the U.S.

Doodle is now aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Math in addition to the English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish, and Spanish curriculums.

Helping children around the world

As just one example, DoodleLearning has supplied 1,200 Kindle Fires with DoodleMath pre-installed to schools in Nigeria.

See how Doodle can benefit your school

Or call us at 800-444-3592

See how Doodle can benefit your school

Or call us at 800-444-3592