DoodleEnglish: the ultimate primary English app

Personalised, curriculum-aligned English practice for KS1 and KS2

english app

Why DoodleEnglish?

How it works

Use baseline assessment mode once a term for a snappy view of each child’s gaps

Doodle automatically targets pupils’ gaps in learning, working within their zone of proximal development

View progress over time, including the % of EoY objectives covered, and export the result

Benefits of using DoodleEnglish

maths app

Improved literacy skills

DoodleEnglish is a personalised reading, writing, phonics, spelling and grammar app, all in one! Created by our team of former teachers, it covers the KS1 and KS2 national curriculums, ensuring your pupils have all the skills they need to succeed. 

Personalised learning

Using the latest adaptive technology, DoodleEnglish creates every pupil a unique work programme that plugs their learning gaps, targets tricky topics and consolidates knowledge, helping them get ahead in English. 

learn maths

Improved confidence

DoodleEnglish presents questions in a fun and fresh format, using interactive and hands-on activities to explore topics. And, by setting work at just the right level, pupils can complete exercises independently, boosting their self-belief and esteem.  

Fun and approachable

With exciting missions and DoodleStars to collect, DoodleEnglish transforms learning into a rewarding activity that children always look forward to! Teachers can set personalised rewards, like extra play or a movie afternoon, to motivate pupils even further. 

english app
fun maths app

In class or at home

Use DoodleEnglish anytime, anywhere. Available on desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones, learning can take place in the classroom, at home or even on the way to the beach! 

Try DoodleEnglish in your school!

Our quick-start trials are an easy way to see what DoodleEnglish can do for your pupils.  

Enter your details, upload your pupils’ names and begin using on any device! 

Alternatively, take a tour of Doodle with a friendly face. Book 15 minutes with one of our team at a time that works for you. 

What real teachers have to say about DoodleEnglish