Our impact
Doodle is proven to double a child’s rate of progression when used for as little as 10 minutes a day!
What teachers and pupils say about us

The more a child uses Doodle, the faster they progress

This graph shows the average progress made when using DoodleMaths daily.
Earning just 10 stars a day
Earning 15 stars a day
Earning 20 stars a day
Stars are earned for answering questions correctly. A DoodleAge measures a child’s knowledge of the curriculum.
*On average, a child earns 18 stars when using Doodle for 10 minutes.
Press Next to see the average progression for different levels of daily usage!
Expected progression for children earning just 10 stars a day compared with children not using Doodle.
Children earning 15 stars a day progress an average of 1.94 years in 12 months, compared to 0.84 years for children not using DoodleLearning.
Children earning an average of 20 DoodleStars a day progress more than twice as fast as children not using DoodleMaths.
*Read the full study here
The more a child uses Doodle, the faster they progress
Stars are earned for answering questions correctly. A DoodleAge measures a child’s knowledge of the curriculum.
On average, a child earns 18 stars when using Doodle for 10 minutes.
20 DoodleStars a day is proven to more than double a child’s rate of progress in Maths.

You're in good company...
See why schools worldwide choose Doodle
Social Media Shoutouts
Thank you @DoodleLearning_ for 3B's @BSPDJnrBoys prizes for coming runners up in the Back to School competition. We were very proud to have had 100% of our class in the Green Zone on DoodleMaths. @DiscoveryEd_Ian pic.twitter.com/GlZT1Z8J50
— Mrs ALHough (@MrsALHough) October 17, 2023
Amazing doodling from 2D’s Top Doodlers this week! Keep up the hard work 2D!
— King Edward Primary (@KEdwardprimary) September 29, 2023@DoodleLearning_ #happy #achieving pic.twitter.com/piPefQS33y
West Midlands Pupils Celebrate Success in Nationwide Learning Challenge...https://t.co/7L6aYAjHqu @DiscoveryEdUk @DoodleLearning_ RP#education #schools #maths #classroom #teachers #teaching #learning https://t.co/9HBsgv8yOG pic.twitter.com/bdiRLF7xPG
— The Educator Magazine UK (@EducatorMagUK) December 16, 2024

Doodle in the news

Sevenoaks Prep School
Ready, Steady, Doodle! Sevenoaks pupils take part in Spring Learning Challenge

Long Meadows Primary School
Pupils from a Milton Keynes primary school have been celebrating their success after taking part in a nationwide Maths Challenge.

Hilden Oaks Prep School
Children at a Tonbridge school were presented with a total of 57 awards following their participation in the Annual DoodleLearning Summer Challenge
Ready to find out more?
Speak to one of our Education Consultants to find out how Doodle can benefit your school