Exam Revision

Exam preparation can be a daunting task for students and parents alike, especially when facing pivotal assessments like SATs, the Multiplication Tables Check, the 11 Plus Exam, and more! Each of these exams serves a unique purpose and requires a tailored approach to revision. This guide compiles helpful resources for each test.

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How to use this guide

Whether you’re seeking past papers, an overview of test formats, or revision materials, this guide is designed to provide a curated selection of resources to help parents and students prepare for the most common KS1 & KS2 assessments and achieve the best possible results.

Use the table of contents to the right to jump to the exam you are seeking help with!


Year 2 SATs are no longer a statutory requirement; however, many schools move forward with them since they are a great way to measure pupil performance. Learn everything you need to know about KS1 SATs below.

KS1 SATs Overview

An overview of format and scoring; plus, past papers and tips on how to prepare.

KS1 Reading SATs

Dive into the reading SATs format, scoring, past papers, and ways to prepare.

KS1 Maths

Master KS1 maths SATs by studying the test format, past papers, and ways to prepare.

KS1 SATs Overview

An overview of format and scoring; plus, past papers and tips on how to prepare.

KS1 Reading SATs

Dive into the reading SATs format, scoring, past papers, and ways to prepare.

KS1 Maths SATs

Master KS1 maths SATs by studying the test format, past papers, and ways to prepare.


The much anticipated KS2 SATs papers are a statuary requirement in Year 6. These assessments measure the performance of both individual students and the school as a whole. Learn more about this important test so you can be ready!

KS2 SATs Overview

An overview of format and scoring; plus, past papers and tips on how to prepare.

KS2 Reading SATs

Dive into the KS2 reading SATs format, scoring, past papers, and ways to prepare.

KS2 Maths

Master KS2 maths SATs by studying the test format, past papers, and ways to prepare.

KS2 SATs Overview

An overview of format and scoring; plus, past papers and tips on how to prepare.

KS2 Reading SATs

Dive into the KS2 reading SATs format, scoring, past papers, and ways to prepare.

KS2 Maths SATs

Master KS1 maths SATs by studying the test format, past papers, and ways to prepare.

11 Plus exam

The Eleven Plus exam is taken by students who are hoping to attend academically selective schools, such as grammar schools in England

What is the 11+?

An overview of the 11+ exam’s format, scoring, past papers, and tips on how to prepare.

11+ exam results

Take a deeper dive into 11+ testing results including how the test is scored & when results are available.

Exam stress

Tests can be dauting! Read about how to deal with exam stress leading up to a a big test, like the 11+. 

What is the 11+?

An overview of the 11+ exam’s format, scoring, past papers, and tips on how to prepare.

11+ exam results

Take a deeper dive into 11+ testing results including how the test is scored & when results are available.

Exam stress

Tests can be dauting! Read about how to deal with exam stress leading up to a a big test, like the 11+. 

Multiplication Tables Check

The Multiplication Tables Check is taken by students in Year 4. The purpose is to make sure students are retaining their times tables.

What is the MTC check?

Deep dive into the structure of the MTC, why it’s important, and how to prepare.

Master your times tables

Have you ever wondered which order to learn your times tables in? This guide is here to help!

Practise with DoodleTables

DoodleTables is a maths app designed to turn your child into a multiplications master! Try it for free!

What is the MTC check?

Deep dive into the structure of the MTC, why it’s important, and how to prepare.

Master your times tables

Have you ever wondered which order to learn your times tables in? This guide is here to help!

Practise with DoodleTables

DoodleTables is a maths app designed to turn your child into a multiplications master! Try it for free!

Phonics Screening Check

The Phonics Screening Check is taken by students at the end of Year 1. The test assesses the learners’ ability to decode words using their phonics skills.

What's the Phonics Screening

What is the Phonics Screening Check? Why is it important? Read to find out!

A guide to phonics phases

Have you ever wondered how phonics is taught? This guide is here to help!

Practise with DoodleEnglish

Get ready for the Phonics Screening Check with DoodleEnglish!

What's the Phonics Screening

What is the Phonics Screening Check? Why is it important? Read to find out!

A guide to phonics phases

Have you ever wondered how phonics is taught? This guide is here to help!

Practise with DoodleEnglish

Get ready for the Phonics Screening Check with DoodleEnglish!

Parents, create a free Doodle account for more exam practice!