What makes DoodleTables different to other multiplication apps?

Learning through repetition or learning through understanding? These are the two ways that children can commit their times tables from their working memory to their long term memory. 

Whilst some children can memorise their tables just by repeating them, children who find maths challenging need more opportunities to make links and see relationships in order for times tables to become instantly recallable. DoodleTables takes advantage of both methods of learning.

Gradual progression

For example, when learning the two times table, children will begin by exploring pictorially with pairs of socks and multiplication arrays.

They then build up to counting in 2s by putting numbers in order. Further on in the programme, children will begin to use and apply their understanding of the two times table to word problems, missing number problems and questions related to fractions. 

Additionally, our in-built technology constantly assesses how well a child understands their tables. If a child has mastered the three times table, it will ensure they move on to a different times table. Find out in what order it’s best to learn times tables.

This means that the exercises are always at just the right level for them. We know that children like to stay within their comfort zone and don’t always make the right choices when it comes to their learning! 

Depth of understanding 

We place a high importance on questions that encourage children to use facts they know to work out new facts. For example, a child might be told that 12 x 2 = 24 and be asked to work out 13 x 2. They may not know their thirteen times table, but they can use what they do know to help them. Many questions of this nature also create links to other areas of maths. For example, ‘if 22 ÷ 2 is 11, then 220 ÷ 2 is…’ creates a link to place value. 

Our questions also allow children to develop strategies and spot patterns for later use. If a child is finding it tricky to recall 2 x 4, then being asked to double 4 provides them with an alternative strategy. 

For example, a multiplication array showing 3 x 4 = 12 unlocks that 4 x 3 = 12, 12 ÷ 4 = 3 and 12 ÷ 3 = 4 just by switching around the numbers. This significantly reduces the number of facts they need to learn!

Pattern-related questions encourage children to generate their own information. If children know that there are no odd numbers in the four times table, this allows them to eliminate certain possibilities if they are stuck and decide whether an answer is reasonable or not. 

Speed recall

With a heavy focus on the need to use and apply multiplication and division facts in upper key stage 2, automaticity of tables facts is crucial if children are to carry out  more complex tasks and feel confident in what they are doing. 

Read creative ways to learn times tables.

Try DoodleTables today with a free 7-day trial!

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