Improve your writing by using different sentence types and structures.
Carla Greenwood
January 29, 2024
Improve your writing by using different sentence types and structures.
Carla Greenwood
Jan 29, 2024
Improve your writing by using different sentence types and structures.
Carla Greenwood
Jan 29, 2024
Key takeaways
Table of contents
Children are taught to vary word choice in their writing. For example, instead of saying “She looks nice,” they might say she looks beautiful, lovely, elegant, or stunning.
However, this isn’t the only way to add variation to your writing.
Sentence structure is another important addition to your writing toolbox. You can create more engaging paragraphs by varying the length and style of your sentences.
In this article, we explore the different types and structures of sentences and show you how to use them to improve the readability of your writing.
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, a sentence is a group of words that expresses a thought in the form of a statement, instruction, exclamation, or question.
A sentence always starts with a capital letter and ends with an end mark. The three end marks in the English language are the period (full stop), question mark and exclamation mark.
There are four main types of sentences you can use in your writing. These are:
The purpose of a statement sentence is to make a statement, declaration, or express an opinion. It’s the most basic type of sentence commonly used in the English language.
Below are some examples of statement sentences:
A question sentence asks a question. They are often used to find out or offer information, and seek recommendations or permission. Question sentences always end with a question mark.
Some examples of question sentences are:
Command sentences give a command or request to the reader directly. These types of sentences often end in a full stop, but they can end with an exclamation mark if the request is urgent.
Examples of command sentences include:
An exclamation sentence is used to express sudden or strong emotions. This type of sentence always ends with an exclamation mark.
For example:
As well as varying types of sentences, you can also play around with different sentence structures.
The main types of sentence structure are:
Simple sentences contain just one independent clause — that’s it! They are generally made up of a subject (a person or object) and a predicate (a verb or verbal phrase that describes an action). Simple sentences don’t contain any dependent clauses.
For example:
However, simple sentences can also have more than one subject and/or verb.
For example:
The best way to work out if you are looking at a simple sentence is to determine if a dependent clause is present (a thought that can’t act as a standalone).
For example:
A compound sentence joins two or more independent clauses in a single sentence. Clauses can be connected by using either a comma and a coordinating conjunction or a semicolon.
For example:
Complex sentences contain one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses. A comma should be used when a dependent clause comes before the independent clause in a sentence. If it comes after the independent clause, then no comma is needed.
Here’s a visual representation of how complex sentences are formed:
Below are some examples of complex sentences:
Just because you have learned how to use longer, more complex sentences, doesn’t mean you should use them all the time. Too many long sentences can confuse readers and prevent them from engaging with your ideas.
On the other hand, too many short, simple sentences will make your writing sound choppy and prevent your readers from understanding the relationships between sentences.
A combination of sentence lengths is the best way to create flowing paragraphs that are easy to read and understand.
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A question is an interrogative sentence because you are asking for information, permission, or a recommendation. Interrogative sentences always end with a question mark.
A sentence that combines two independent clauses (complete thoughts) is called a compound sentence. The independent clauses can be connected by a conjunctive or a semicolon.
For example:
A compound sentence connects two independent clauses (complete thoughts) in one sentence. However, a complex sentence combines one independent clause with one or more dependent clauses (incomplete thoughts).
For example:
There are many different types of clauses but they can all be grouped into independent or dependent clauses. An independent clause works on its own as a complete sentence, whereas a dependent clause doesn’t make sense without the addition of an independent clause. The variation of clauses you use will depend on how you want to structure your sentences.