Study: the link between DoodleEnglish
usage and academic progression


A summary of a recent study conducted by our team investigating the link between DoodleEnglish usage and academic progression.


We wanted to investigate the link between the number of stars earned (a virtual currency awarded for answering questions, completing concepts and playing games) and DoodleAge (a measure of each child’s understanding compared to learners of a similar age) to see if using DoodleEnglish regularly led to a higher rate of academic progression.

Our findings showed a positive correlation between using DoodleEnglish and academic progression (measured in DoodleAge), with the children who used DoodleEnglish most regularly showing the highest level of progression. 


For this study, the results of 508 children across 12 months were analysed:

  • To measure each child’s usage of DoodleEnglish, the average number of stars they earned per day and per week were identified.
  • To measure each child’s rate of academic progression, changes in their DoodleAge were compared at 0 and 12 months.
    • A DoodleAge is calculated by children completing a baseline assessment (BLA) – an assessment used to measure their level of ability. A BLA is completed when a child first starts using Doodle (0 months) and every 3-6 months after this. 
    • The natural level of progression made by children not using any Doodle products is calculated to be a DoodleAge increase of 0.84 years over the course of 12 months.


A clear positive correlation between the number of stars earned and the rate of academic progression was found. The results can be seen below

Number of stars earned Average increase in DoodleAge (across 12 months)
5 per day1 year 8 months
10 per day2 years 3 months


Daily Doodling really does lead to great things. Earning 5 stars a day resulted in an average DoodleAge increase of 1 year and 8 months across a 12-month period, increasing to 2 years and 3 months when earning 10 stars per day.

Therefore, where DoodleEnglish is used ‘little and often’, academic progression is not only ensured, but also accelerated!

To discover how DoodleEnglish could benefit your child or pupils, why not download the app? Created by our team of teachers, it explores spelling, comprehension, grammar and vocabulary through thousands of fun, personalised exercises – and best of all, you can try it for absolutely free!

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