Using whole class login feature

Sometimes asking your class to login to DoodleMaths during lesson time can be more hassle than it’s worth, which is why we created the time (and stress!) saving whole class login feature.

DoodleMaths class login

To use this feature as a Lead Teacher

If you use the same set(s) of tablets for the whole school, this is the best option for you.

  1. Use your teacher email and password on the pupil login page.
  2. You will see a list of classes in the school: select the class you wish to use.
  3. The pupils’ names will appear. Children then select their name from the list and enter their password.
  4. At the end of the session, children sign out where it will then go back to the class list page.
  5. If you school is sharing a set of iPads between classes, press the home button again and it will go back to the ‘Select a Class’ page.
  6. You can press the home button to leave the app running in the background: this will not perform a teacher logout. If you close the app completely, this will completely logout.

Interested in DoodleMaths for your school? Find out more

To use this feature as a Teacher

If you have a set of tablets per class, this may be the best option for you. If you share tablets, you may want to ask a lead teacher to complete the sign in.

  1. Use your teacher email and password on the pupil login page.
  2. Your pupils’ names will appear.
  3. Children select their name from the list and enter their password.
  4. At the end of the session, children sign out where it will go back to the class list page.
  5. You can press the home button to leave the app running in the background: this will not perform a teacher logout. If you close the app completely, this will completely logout.

Happy Doodling!


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Student Login

Which programme would you like to use?

If you’d like to use Doodle’s browser version, please visit this page on a desktop.

To log in to Doodle on this device, you can do so through our apps. You can find out how to download them here: