Explore the Roman numerals 1-100, learn about their history and have a go at some questions!
Sumaya Fodey
Last updated: July 17th, 2023
Explore the Roman numerals 1-100, learn about their history and have a go at some questions!
Sumaya Fodey
Last updated: July 17th, 2023
Explore the Roman numerals 1-100, learn about their history and have a go at some questions!
Sumaya Fodey
Last updated: July 17th, 2023
Explore the Roman numerals 1-100, learn about their history and have a go at some questions!
Sumaya Fodey
Last updated: July 17th, 2023
In this article
The Roman numerical system is taught in schools and is very important as it provides a valuable learning tool for understanding numerical systems and their historical context. This number system allows children to develop their problem solving skills and logical understanding of numbers, as well as how they work in combination and systems.
In fact, we still use Roman numerals in books, video games, movie release dates, the Super Bowl, the Olympic Games and much more!
The Roman numerals 1-100 are a list of numbers from 1-100 in Roman translation. This numeric system originated from ancient Rome and includes a combination of letters, with each letter having a fixed value. This system drew inspiration from Etruscan numerals.
Roman numerals are a great way to cross reference maths and history. They were widely used across Europe around 8th to 9th century BC, which was around the same time the ancient Rome was established around Palestine Hill.
This numeric system was used well after the fall of the Roman empire (used till 14th century), until the Arabic numeric system was introduced across Europe.
The Roman Empire used this number system for counting, recording quantities of money and writing dates. This Empire had great architectural structures, economy and society due to the incredible mathematical skills this numeric system allowed!
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The following fixed values are the basic letters you need to remember for Roman numerals 1-100:
I = 1
V = 5
X = 10
L = 50
C = 100
If this seems a little overwhelming, don’t worry! DoodleMaths covers everything you need to know about Roman numerals.
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Remembering each symbol/letter values can be a bit tricky, so creating a memorable sentence for each letter can make it simpler. For example:
Once you create a memorable sentence, you can start to memorise what number each letter represents. Perhaps use a flashcard to make memorisation fun!
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We can work out how to write whole numbers as Roman numerals by simply using the basic digits to create the numbers in between.
For example, the number 30 is XXX.
This is because X = 10, so X + X + X = 10 + 10 + 10 = 30!
As another example, the number 25 is XXV.
This is because X + X + V = 10 + 10 + 5 =25
1 = I | 2 = II | 3 = III | 4 = IV | 5 = V |
6 = VI | 7 = VII | 8 = VIII | 9 = IX | 10 = X |
11 = XI | 12 = XII | 13 = XIII | 14 = XIV | 15 = XV |
16 = XVI | 17 = XVII | 18 = XVIII | 19 = XIX | 20 = XX |
21 = XXI | 22 = XXII | 23 = XXIII | 24 = XXIV | 25 = XXV |
26 = XXVI | 27 = XXVII | 28 = XXVIII | 29 = XXIX | 30 = XXX |
31 = XXXI | 32 = XXXII | 33 = XXXIII | 34 = XXXIV | 35 = XXXV |
36 = XXXVI | 37 = XXXVII | 38 = XXXVIII | 39 = XXXIX | 40 = XL |
41 = XLI | 42 = XLII | 43 = XLIII | 44 = XLIV | 45 = XLV |
46 = XLVI | 47 = XLVII | 48 = XLVIII | 49 = XLIX | 50 = L |
51 = LI | 52 = LII | 53 = LIII | 54 = LIV | 55 = LV |
56 = LVI | 57 = LVII | 58 = LVIII | 59 = LIX | 60 = LX |
61 = LXI | 62 = LXII | 63 = LXIII | 64 = LXIV | 65 = LXV |
66 = LXVI | 67 = LXVII | 68 = LXVIII | 69 = LXIX | 70 = LXX |
71 = LXXI | 72 = LXXII | 73 = LXXIII | 74 = LXXIV | 75 = LXXV |
76 = LXXVI | 77 = LXXVII | 78 = LXXVIII | 79 = LXXIX | 80 = LXXX |
81 = LXXXI | 82 = LXXXII | 83 = LXXXIII | 84 = LXXXIV | 85 = LXXXV |
86 = LXXXVI | 87 = LXXXVII | 88 = LXXXVIII | 89 = LXXXIX | 90 = XC |
91 = XCI | 92 = XCII | 93 = XCIII | 94 = XCIV | 95 = XCV |
96 = XCVI | 97 = XCVII | 98 = XCVIII | 99 = XCIX | 100 = C |
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Roman numerals are very simple and using them for calculation is just as easy if you follow a few set rules. Below are some handy things to keep in mind when using the Roman numerical system:
And there we have it – the ultimate guide to Roman numerals 1-100!
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To calculate the value of IV, we first need to remember the rule that if a smaller symbol appears first, we then have to subtract it from the larger symbol.
In this instance, I is smaller than V. I = 1 and V = 5, therefore to calculate IV, you have to subtract 5 from 1, giving you 4. The value of IV = 4!
X = 10, I = 1 and V = 5.
For XIV, we need to remember two of the Roman numeral rules.
If a larger number appears first, we have to add the numbers together. But if a smaller number appears first, then we have to subtract them.
In this case, both situations occurs. As X is larger than I but I is smaller than V, you subtract V from I, then add to X. In other words, you have to calculate X + IV.
V – I = 5 – 1 = 4. Then, you add X. So 4 + 10 = 14. XIV= 14!
This is similar to the question above. You have to take into consideration the subtracting and adding rule. Therefore, the XIX Roman numerals is X+ IX.
X = 10
IX = 10 – 1 = 9
XIX =10 + 9
XIX = 19
The Roman numeral for 4 is IV. The reason 4 isn’t IIII is because of the Roman numeral rule of not repeating a symbol more than 3 times. So IV = 5 – 1 = 4.
This question is frequently asked yet very simple! The Roman numeral for 50 is just L. This is because the symbol L has a value of 50.
X + X + I = 10 + 10 + 1 = 21.
Therefore, the answer for XXI is 21.
XXXIII = 10 + 10 + 10 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 33.
So XXXIII is 33!
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