Reminder letters

DoodleMaths reminder

DoodleMaths reminder

Send out his ready-made letter to remind parents of their child(ren)’s login details and of the benefits of using DoodleMaths/Tables at home

Send out his ready-made letter to remind parents of their child(ren)’s login details and of the benefits of using DoodleMaths/Tables at home

DoodleEnglish reminder

DoodleEnglish reminder

Send out his ready-made letter to remind parents of their child(ren)’s login details and of the benefits of using DoodleEnglish/Spell at home

Send out his ready-made letter to remind parents of their child(ren)’s login details and of the benefits of using DoodleEnglish/Spell at home

DoodleBundle reminder

DoodleBundle reminder

Send out his ready-made letter to remind parents of their child(ren)’s login details and of the benefits of using Doodle at home

Send out his ready-made letter to remind parents of their child(ren)’s login details and of the benefits of using Doodle at home