School Webinars

On-demand webinars

Explore our library of webinar recordings, covering popular topics such as Doodle’s features. Watch them at your own pace, in your own time, to discover how to get the most out of Doodle!

Ideas for Doodle Engagement

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If you are looking for ideas on how to get your students Doodling little and often, look no further! We’ll share ideas on how to get your students engaged and working in their Green Zone.

Discover DoodleLearning for schools

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Join Steve as he takes you through the features of the Doodle apps, including our new baseline assessment mode, which tracks and measures progress.

How Doodle fights Summer Learning Loss

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See how Doodle can help keep your students on track over their summer holidays.

How Doodle supports end-of-year prep

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The perfect way to find out more about how Doodle saves you time with handovers and reports, so you can enjoy the summer term