Maths puzzles for kids are a great way to encourage a love of maths, regardless of your child’s ability.
Christina Levandowski
Expert Reviewer
Jill Padfield
Last updated: July 2024
Maths puzzles for kids are a great way to encourage a love of maths, regardless of your child’s ability.
Christina Levandowski
Expert Reviewer
Jill Padfield
Published: July 2024
Maths puzzles can help challenge and inspire kids to appreciate their own maths skills!
Christina Levandowski
Expert Reviewer
Jill Padfield
Published: July 2024
Key takeaways
While some kids absolutely love maths, many struggle with it. This struggle can make learning maths difficult, and sometimes even deter kids from doing their homework or participating in class.
But you know what almost every kid loves? Puzzles! By combining maths lessons with logic puzzles, you can teach essential maths skills without kids even realising that they’re learning! Let’s take a peek at some fun maths puzzles for kids.
Maths puzzles are challenges that require maths skills and logical reasoning to solve. They are great tools to help children learn basic maths concepts in a fun way.
Some of the most versatile maths puzzles include:
Teachers can use maths puzzles in the classroom, but they can also be useful at home, especially with careful guidance from a parent or guardian! Another plus: maths puzzles keep the brain active, helping kids develop cognitive skills beyond mathematical reasoning.
Maths puzzles don’t just help kids learn to enjoy maths. They also help them to develop important life skills.
Below are some of the ways that maths puzzles aid child development:
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There are as many maths puzzles as there are different types of learners, which is amazing! Take a look at the different types of maths puzzles to see which one your child might enjoy the most:
Number puzzles are very similar to any other puzzle your child might enjoy. The main difference is that there is an added number element. They have a range of numbers in different rows and columns, often with blank spaces to be filled in. Children need to work out the specific number pattern to solve the puzzle.
Shape puzzles use different shapes to encourage logical thinking. They generally work by getting children to understand the characteristics of a shape and fitting them into a larger image or design.
Alternatively, shapes can replace numbers in a maths problem, with each shape representing a different number. To solve the problem, children are given certain information and they need to work out the number that each shape represents.
For example:
In this example, each heart represents the number 4 because 12÷3=4.
Logic puzzles require children to use logical thinking and deduction to work out the answer. They can range from simple brain teasers to more elaborate spatial problems. However, the concept remains the same.
For example, students might be given a scenario like this:
You have 14 pairs of socks altogether but 7 pairs are in the washing basket. How many are left in your drawer?
Students would need to deduct 7 from 14 to find the answer, which is 7.
Sequence and pattern puzzles are brain teasers that help children learn basic maths skills. The idea is for children to understand the pattern of shapes or numbers that have been provided, to find the next one in the sequence.
For example:
The next shape in this sequence is a diamond (because the sequence goes circle – circle – diamond.)
Want to do more math puzzles? DoodleMaths is an award-winning maths app full of maths puzzles that are proven to double a child’s rate of progression with just 10 minutes of use a day!*
Filled with fun, interactive questions aligned to state standards, Doodle creates a unique work program tailored to each child’s needs, boosting their confidence and skills in math.
*Based on earning 24 stars a day in DoodleMaths. Read full study
Now that we know the basic types of maths puzzles, it’s time to get into specific games. Encourage your child to work through each problem step by step. You might be surprised at how much fun they have!
Type of puzzle: logic maths puzzle
In a Sudoku puzzle, the aim is to fill in the missing numbers in a 9 x 9 square. Each row, column, and block should contain the numbers 1-9 without any repetitions. For younger children, different colors or shapes can be used to explain the concept.
Type of puzzle: number puzzle
The aim of a magic square puzzle is to fill in the blank cells, just like Sudoku. However, the sum of each row, column, and diagonal needs to add up to the same answer.
Type of puzzle: Logic maths puzzle
In maths riddles, children are given scenarios that require deductive reasoning to solve. The goal is to use logic and ‘read between the lines’ to get to the correct answer.
Here is an example of a maths riddle:
When my dad was 31 years old, I was 8 years old. Now he is twice my age. What is my age now?
Answer: 23
The difference between the two ages is 23 years because 31 – 8 = 23. So, the child must be 23 years old for her dad to be twice her age.
If you work out the difference between 8 and 23, the answer is 15 (23-8=15).
31+15=46, so her dad would be 46, which is 2×23.
Type of puzzle: number puzzle
KenKen is a grid-based game similar to Sudoku. The main difference is that KenKen requires arithmetic to solve. The aim is to fill in the blank cells in a grid using only certain numbers.
For example, in a 4×4 grid, you can only use numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4. In a 6×6 grid, all numbers between 1 and 6 can be used. Numbers can’t be repeated in any row or column but can be used elsewhere.
Unlike Sudoku, a KenKen square is further broken down into smaller boxes, known as cages. Within these are mini maths problems that need to be worked out in order to solve the whole puzzle. The great thing about KenKen is that children can start with a small 3×3 puzzle and work up to a larger one once they get the hang of it.
Type of puzzle: number puzzle
A domino puzzle board combines the fun of dominos with maths. The aim is to fit all 28 domino pieces onto a puzzle board. Each space on the board has a number, but a domino can only be placed on that space if the numbers on the domino piece can be multiplied to equal the board number.
Simpler versions of this game include creating a domino square, where all sides add up to a certain number:
Type of puzzle: number puzzle
2048 is an online ‘sliding block’ puzzle played on a 4×4 grid. The object is to combine the numbers on the grid by sliding them up, down, left, or right, to reach the number 2048. When two blocks with the same number touch, they merge to create a bigger number. The game is won when you reach 2048.
Play online here.
Type of puzzle: logic maths puzzle
Kakuro is a crossword puzzle using numbers. Each ‘word’ needs to add up to the number provided in the clue. Only single digit numbers can be used (1-9) and a single number can’t be repeated in a ‘word’.
Type of puzzle: logic maths puzzle
Join the dots is a game that helps children see patterns in a group of dots, using their logical skills. Nine dots are arranged in a square and the object is to connect all the dots using four straight lines without lifting your pencil. This may sound like a simple concept, but it requires a bit of ‘out-the-box’ thinking!
Type of puzzle: shape puzzle
Tangram is a Chinese puzzle game that consists of a square cut into seven geometric shapes. The idea of the game is to rearrange the pieces to make other shapes, just like a puzzle! You are given an image of a certain shape and the goal is to rearrange the pieces to create this shape or pattern without overlapping any of the pieces.
Type of puzzle: number puzzle
Str8s is a simple logic game played on a grid, with numbers separated into compartments. The aim of the game is to create ‘straights’ within each compartment. This means you need to have consecutive numbers but they don’t need to be in order, such as 3, 4, 5, or 7, 9, 8.
In Str8s, there are also numbers in black squares, which can’t be used in that particular row or column. Just as in Sudoku and KenKen, the same number can’t be used more than once in any row or column.
Type of puzzle: logic maths puzzle
The Tower of Hanoi is a logic-based game created by mathematician Edouard Lucas in 1883. There are disks of different sizes stacked on top of each other on a pole. There are also two additional poles that can be used when needed.
The aim of the game is to have all of the disks stacked in the same order on the third pole, without ever putting a larger disk on top of a smaller one.
The minimum number of moves needed to complete the puzzle depends on the number of disks you have. The equation used is:
Number of disks x 2 + 1 =
So, at least 7 moves are needed to complete the puzzle below because there are 3 disks (3 x 2 = 6, 6 + 1 =7)
Type of puzzle: sequence and pattern puzzle
In this game, children are given a certain set of numbers in order. Their job is to work out the sequence being used to continue the pattern.
For example, if you had the numbers 3, 6, 9, and 12, the next answer would be 15, because the numbers are following the 3 times table.
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The great thing about maths riddles is they use real-life scenarios that children can relate to. In addition, they vary in complexity so they can be used for children of all ages. Here are some fun (and educational) maths riddles for you to try out:
1. If there are 4 apples and you take away 3, how many apples do you have?
(Answer: You have 3)
2. Which number stays the same no matter how many times you multiply it?
(Answer: 0)
3. I am more than 10 but less than 15. I am one more than the number of months in a year. What am I?
(Answer: 13)
4. Fill in the blanks; 4, 8, 12, _, 20, _, 28
(Answers: 16 and 24)
Maths logic puzzles are a common form of maths puzzles, involving logical reasoning. Traditional logic puzzles generally have a grid of numbers, with certain numbers missing that need to be filled in. Sudoku is one of the most popular logic puzzle games. Other examples include brain teasers, elimination grids, and arithmetic puzzles.
Maths puzzles make learning maths more enjoyable. They also tend to reduce the fear associated with maths equations because they are more like games than exam questions. Children that regularly practise maths puzzles can develop a range of transferable skills including problem-solving, logical reasoning, and mental arithmetic.
Parents, sign up for a DoodleMaths subscription and see your child become a maths wizard!
Lesson credits
Christina Levandowski
Christina has written for hundreds of clients from small businesses to She has extensive experience working with marketing strategy and social media marketing, and has her own business creating assets for clients in the space. She enjoys being an entrepreneur and has also started pursuing investment opportunities as time permits.
Jill Padfield
Jill Padfield has 7 years of experience teaching mathematics, ranging from Algebra to Calculus. She is currently working as a Business Analyst, working to improve services for Veterans while earning a masters degree in business administration.
Christina Levandowski
Christina has written for hundreds of clients from small businesses to She has extensive experience working with marketing strategy and social media marketing, and has her own business creating assets for clients in the space. She enjoys being an entrepreneur and has also started pursuing investment opportunities as time permits.
Jill Padfield
Jill Padfield has 7 years of experience teaching mathematics, ranging from Algebra to Calculus. She is currently working as a Business Analyst, working to improve services for Veterans while earning a masters degree in business administration.
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