Lucy Hart
May 2024
Knowing our times tables is a fundamental maths skills. See 5 reasons we must master our multiplication facts.
Lucy Hart
May 2024
Knowing our times tables is a fundamental maths skills. See 5 reasons we must master our multiplication facts.
Lucy Hart
May 2024
Key takeaways
Table of contents
Learning times tables is really important. After all, they’re the building blocks of maths, and with your multiplications mastered, you can do anything! Here are just some of the ways in which memorising multiplication facts can benefit your child.
By starting with smaller times tables and gradually building up, children will learn number rules that’ll make learning other times tables much easier. For example, once you know your 2 times table, you can learn your 4 times table simply by doubling the answers!
To help you get started, take a look at the best order to learn times tables.
Memorising times tables makes it far quicker for children to work out mental maths problems in their heads. Moving beyond using their fingers to work out answers, they’ll be able to use their knowledge to quickly solve any multiplication questions.
By memorising their times tables, children will also become more accustomed to using their head to visualise answers for questions. This will help them to solve questions involving multiplication, addition, subtraction and division in their head, making the act of memorising multiplication tables a very worthwhile cause!
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Beyond memorisation, learning times tables and understanding how they work can do wonders for building children’s knowledge of important mathematical concepts. These include fractions, percentages and even shapes.
For example, using visual representations of times tables (such as counters) can help children to visualise the role of sequences, addition and fractions.
As they become more confident with their times tables, they’ll use this knowledge to spot other number relationships. For example, they’ll realise to work out any answers for the 4 times table, they simply need to halve the equivalent answer for the 8 times table!
Knowing times tables isn’t just useful for weekly multiplication tests – they also come in handy outside of the classroom! How much would it cost to buy three comics which cost £2 each? Simply calculate 3 x 2! Or how many chocolates are there in total if my four friends have five each? Work out 4 x 5! The possibilities are endless.
Perhaps most importantly, memorising their tables will give your child confidence in their own maths skills. There’s nothing more grown-up than not having to use your fingers to work out an answer!
This confidence will help them in SATs and other assessments, and ultimately, ease their move into secondary education.
DoodleMaths is an award-winning app that’s filled with thousands of questions and games exploring multiplication, division and more!
Designed by teachers, it creates each child a unique work programme tailored to their needs, doubling their progression with just 10 minutes of use a day.* Try it for free!
*Based on earning 24 stars a day in DoodleMaths. Read full study
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