Practise your maths skills with these 50 math questions for year 3, covering addition, subtraction, place value, measurement, time, money, and geometry! Answers included.
Michelle Griczika
February 2024
Practise your maths skills with these 50 math questions for year 3, covering addition, subtraction, place value, measurement, time, money, and geometry! Answers included.
Michelle Griczika
February 2024
Practise your maths skills with these 50 math questions for year 3, covering addition, subtraction, place value, measurement, time, money, and geometry! Answers included.
Michelle Griczika
February 2024
Key takeaways
Table of contents
Hello, year 3 mathematicians! Are you ready for some mind-boggling maths challenges?
We will be going over important maths skills needed to strengthen understanding of important mathematical concepts. Let’s dive in!
Answer: 16
Answer: 7
Answer: 16
Answer: 14
Answer: 17
Answer: 13
Answer: 12
Answer: 13
Answer: 17
Answer: 11
Use the greater than symbol >, less than symbol <, or equal to symbol = to answer.
Answer: <
Answer: =
Answer: 16
Answer: <
Answer: >
Answer: >
Answer: <
Answer: >
Answer: >
Answer: =
Answer: 53 centimetres
Answer: 38 centimetres
Answer: 32 centimetres
Answer: 35 centimetres
Answer: 55 centimetres
Answer: 35 centimetres
Answer: 68 centimetres
Answer: 84 centimetres
Answer: 40 centimetres
Answer: 50 centimetres
Look at the analog clock and write the time to the nearest five minutes:
What time is shown on the digital clock?
Look at the analog clock and write the time to the nearest five minutes:
What time is shown on the digital clock?
Look at the analog clock and write the time to the nearest five minutes:
Answer: £4.34
Answer: £5.08
Answer: 25 pence
Answer: £3.50
Answer: £4.37
Answer: Triangle
Answer: Square
Answer: Pentagon
Answer: Hexagon
Answer: Equilateral Triangle
Answer: Trapezoid
Answer: Cube
Answer: Triangle
Answer: Square
Answer: Pentagon
Maths practice for year 3 is super important because we use it every single day! For extra maths practice that comes in the form of fun maths games and interactive practice problems, try Doodle Learning’s maths help app.
Lesson credits
Michelle Griczika
Michelle Griczika is a seasoned educator and experienced freelance writer. Her years teaching coupled with her double certification in early childhood education lend depth to her understanding of diverse learning stages. Michelle enjoys running in her free time and undertaking home projects.
Michelle Griczika
Michelle Griczika is a seasoned educator and experienced freelance writer. Her years teaching coupled with her double certification in early childhood education lend depth to her understanding of diverse learning stages. Michelle enjoys running in her free time and undertaking home projects.
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