50 year 3 maths questions

Practise your maths skills with these 50 math questions for year 3, covering addition, subtraction, place value, measurement, time, money, and geometry! Answers included.

headshot of author, Michelle

Michelle Griczika

February 2024

50 year 3 maths questions

Practise your maths skills with these 50 math questions for year 3, covering addition, subtraction, place value, measurement, time, money, and geometry! Answers included.

headshot of author, Michelle

Michelle Griczika

February 2024

50 year 3 maths questions

Practise your maths skills with these 50 math questions for year 3, covering addition, subtraction, place value, measurement, time, money, and geometry! Answers included.

headshot of author, Michelle

Michelle Griczika

February 2024

Key takeaways

  • Mastering addition and subtraction skills helps us solve mathematical puzzles and apply them to real-life situations.
  • Understanding place value enables us to correctly read, write, and compare numbers, developing our number sense and mathematical reasoning.
  • Solving measurement word problems helps us apply mathematical concepts to practical scenarios, improving our problem-solving and critical thinking abilities.
  • Exploring time and money concepts allows us to understand the world around us, manage our daily routines effectively, and develop essential life skills.
  • Recognising shapes and their properties opens our eyes to the diverse world of geometry, helping us understand how objects are structured and enhancing our spatial awareness.

Hello, year 3 mathematicians! Are you ready for some mind-boggling maths challenges?

We will be going over important maths skills needed to strengthen understanding of important mathematical concepts. Let’s dive in!

Section 1: Addition and subtraction

Answer: 16

Answer: 7

Answer: 16

Answer: 14

Answer: 17

Answer: 13

Answer: 12

Answer: 13

Answer: 17

Answer: 11

Section 2: Place value

Use the greater than symbol >, less than symbol <, or equal to symbol = to answer.

Answer: <

Answer: =

Answer: 16

Answer: <

Answer: >

Answer: >

Answer: <

Answer: >

Answer: >

Answer: =

Section 3: Measurement

Answer: 53 centimetres

Answer: 38 centimetres

Answer: 32 centimetres

Answer: 35 centimetres

Answer: 55 centimetres

Answer: 35 centimetres

Answer: 68 centimetres

Answer: 84 centimetres

Answer: 40 centimetres

Answer: 50 centimetres

Section 4: Time & Money


Look at the analog clock and write the time to the nearest five minutes:


What time is shown on the digital clock?


Look at the analog clock and write the time to the nearest five minutes:


What time is shown on the digital clock?


Look at the analog clock and write the time to the nearest five minutes:

Answer: £4.34

Answer: £5.08

Answer: 25 pence

Answer: £3.50

Answer: £4.37

Section 5: Geometry

Answer: Triangle

Answer: Square

Answer: Pentagon

Answer: Hexagon

Answer: Equilateral Triangle

Answer: Trapezoid

Answer: Cube

Answer: Triangle

Answer: Square

Answer: Pentagon

Maths practice for year 3 is super important because we use it every single day! For extra maths practice that comes in the form of fun maths games and interactive practice problems, try Doodle Learning’s maths help app.

Lesson credits

headshot of author, Michelle

Michelle Griczika

Michelle Griczika is a seasoned educator and experienced freelance writer. Her years teaching coupled with her double certification in early childhood education lend depth to her understanding of diverse learning stages. Michelle enjoys running in her free time and undertaking home projects.

headshot of author, Michelle

Michelle Griczika

Michelle Griczika is a seasoned educator and experienced freelance writer. Her years teaching coupled with her double certification in early childhood education lend depth to her understanding of diverse learning stages. Michelle enjoys running in her free time and undertaking home projects.

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Time Answer Sheet









