Year 3 maths

They’re growing fast, and so are their maths skills! DoodleMaths has everything students need to succeed in Year 3 maths, from guides on place value and measurement units to exercises that will help your child grow their understanding of telling time and using money. Explore all DoodleMaths has to offer and watch them master maths in the first year of KS2.

sen support

Select a skill

From measuring lengths to understanding properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction, Year 3 students have much to learn. Select a maths skill below and help your student impress their classmates and teachers with their mathematical know-how!

Odds and evens

Recognise numbers as odd or even. 


Add numbers within 20 using mental strategies.


Subtract within 20 — in your head and on paper!


Draw and recognise shapes using angles, number of faces, and more.


Learn and use metric units to determine the length of objects. 

Place value

Use place value to add multiple two-digit numbers together at once. 

Odds and evens

Recognize numbers as odd or even. 


Add numbers within 20 using mental strategies.


Subtract within 20 — in your head and on paper!


Draw and recognise shapes using angles, number of faces, and more.


Learn and use standard units to determine the length of objects. 

Place value

Use place value to add multiple two-digit numbers together at once. 

Year 3 maths support

Whether it’s your first time with a Year 3 student or it’s your third time around the block, our goal is to take the guesswork out of primary maths. Browse our Year 3 maths guides designed to make learning maths a breeze.

All about Year 3 maths

Let’s get started with Key Stage 2! In Year 3, your learners are at the start of their Key Stage 2 journey that they’ll be on for the rest of their time in primary school!

Key Stage 2 is all about developing more complex maths skills for your students and building their confidence with trickier concepts.

What's taught in Year 3 maths?

Maths for Year 3 students will be split into seven key areas which we’ll take a look at below.


The area of number is, as usual, further broken down into four categories; place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and fractions. 

In Year 3, students will work with numbers up to 1000 as they learn to:

  • Identify place value to three places (units, tens, and hundreds)
  • Add, subtract, multiply, and divide numbers using a range of written and mental methods
  • Count up and down in tenths
  • Know the 3, 4 and 8 times tables
  • Identify equivalent fractions
  • Place fractions in order


Year 3 maths students will take a deeper dive into the unit of measurement, especially in the area of measure and time. This year they’ll hone their skills as they are taught how to:

  • Measure using a range of different units, including mm
  • Measure and calculate the perimeter of basic shapes
  • Calculate change by adding and subtracting different amounts of money
  • Tell the time to the nearest minute
  • Calculate periods of elapsed time
  • Tell the time using a range of different clocks, including those with Roman numerals


Building on all they learned in Year 1 maths and  Year 2 maths, your learners will develop their skills in geometry as they explore how to:


  • Expand their knowledge of graphs as they cover bar charts, pictograms and different types of tables 
  • Create their own graphs and tables

Are there Year 3 maths assessments?

No need to panic – there are no maths assessments in Year 3! Students will instead be carefully and continuously assessed by their class teachers as they move through the year.

How can I help my child with maths Year 3?

As your child progresses with their maths through Year 3, there are many ways to help them. Taking time for a little daily practice of their multiplication tables or time-telling skills for example is a great start. 

The DoodleLearning maths app is a superb way to encourage even the most reluctant of learners to get in some all-important practice. With thousands of interactive maths games, there’s sure to be something they’ll love!

FAQs about Year 3 maths

Year 3 students should be comfortable with their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. They should be able to work with fractions in a variety of ways and should be growing in confidence as they use various mental and written strategies. 

They should also know how to tell the time to the nearest minute and learn how to calculate the perimeter of simple shapes like squares or rectangles.

There is a long list of statutory requirements that Year 3 students must meet before the end of the year. For a full overview of everything your child needs to know, take a look at our full Year 3 curriculum overview!

Parents, sign up for a DoodleMaths subscription and see your child become a maths wizard!