Learning Counting

Counting is one of the most fundamental skills we acquire as children, acting as the gateway to the vast world of mathematics. It’s not just about reciting numbers; it’s about understanding quantity, order, and patterns. Whether it’s tallying the coins in our piggy bank or noting the days until a special event, counting enriches our understanding of the world around us. Dive in to explore the magic of counting!

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Counting Resources

Counting is a fun maths skill essential for daily tasks and games. If you’re looking to get better or help someone learn, we’ve curated some easy-to-follow articles for you:

How to skip count

Learn the basics of counting in increments.

Skip counting by 2

Understand the steps of counting by twos.

Skip counting by 10

Understand the steps of counting by tens.

How to skip count

Learn the basics of counting in increments.

Skip counting by 2

Understand the steps of counting by twos.

Skip counting by 10

Understand the steps of counting by tens.

Counting to 100

Master the sequence up to the century mark.

Skip counting games

Master skip counting with 20 engaging activities.

to 100

Master the sequence up to the century mark.

Skip counting

Master skip counting with 20 engaging activities.

All About Counting

What is Counting?

Counting is something we all do, starting from when we’re little kids. It’s simply figuring out how many things are in a group. For example, we count our toys, the steps we take, or the minutes we wait for something. But counting isn’t just a modern idea; ancient people understood its importance too. Long ago, they would count using stones, sticks, or even their fingers to keep track of things like the number of animals they had or days until an event. No matter the time or place, counting has always been a way for us to understand and organise the world around us. Learn more about counting and find practice problems on our maths app.

What are Counting Numbers?

Counting numbers are the familiar numbers we start with during our earliest maths lessons. Beginning from the number 1, they continue upward: 2, 3, 4, 5, and keep going. Whether it’s counting apples in a basket, pages in a book, stars in the sky, or even footsteps on a journey, counting numbers are there to help us measure and understand quantity. These numbers are distinct from fractions or negative numbers and serve as the backbone for more complex mathematical concepts we encounter later in life.

Different Ways to Count

Counting can be done in many fun ways, not just one by one! Let’s look at some easy ways we often use:

  • By Ones: This is starting from one and going up. Like 1, 2, 3, and so on. It’s how most of us begin to learn to count.
  • By Twos: Imagine counting every second item. It’s like counting shoes: 2, 4, 6…
  • By Fives: If you have a bunch of things, sometimes it’s quicker to count in groups of five: 5, 10, 15…
  • By Tens: This is great for lots of items. It’s like counting by tens: 10, 20, 30…
  • Skip Counting: This means jumping over some numbers. Like if you count by threes: 3, 6, 9…


Each way of counting is useful for different things. Whether we’re playing a game, shopping, or doing homework, there’s a counting method that can help!

Examples of Counting in Real Life

Counting is a skill with applications in almost every area of our daily lives:

  • Shopping: Counting money is a key part of this experience. We count bills and coins to make sure we have enough to cover our purchase or when making sure we receive the correct change after paying. It’s also important to tally up expenses when we’re sticking to a budget, ensuring we don’t overspend.
  • Sports: On the sports field, counting is crucial! A basketball player keeps track of how many free throws they’ve made, a football player might count how many goals they’ve scored and a race car driver knows the number of laps left in the race. Counting helps players strategise, understand their performance, and measure their progress.
  • Cooking: The kitchen is another domain where counting reigns supreme. Aspiring chefs count how many teaspoons of salt go into a dish, or how many minutes a cake should be in the oven. When doubling or halving a recipe, understanding the quantities becomes crucial to get that perfect taste.
  • Travel: Whether we’re planning a holiday or are already on one, counting ensures our adventures run smoothly. It’s about counting the days until we embark on our journey, the stops left before our bus reaches the destination, or ensuring we don’t exceed our luggage weight limit at the airport.
  • Household Tasks: Day-to-day tasks at home are riddled with instances of counting. Think about setting a timer while watering plants to ensure they get just the right amount, determining the number of tiles needed for a kitchen backsplash, or making sure there are enough plates on the table for dinner guests. Counting aids in organisation and efficiency, making our homes run like well-oiled machines.

Frequently asked questions about counting

Counting numbers are the numbers we use when counting objects, like 1, 2, 3, and so on. They don’t include fractions, decimals, or negative numbers. So, if you’re counting toys, cookies, or stars in the sky, you’re using counting numbers!

Counting is the starting point for learning maths. It’s like the first step in building a big tower of maths skills. When kids count, they lay the foundation for addition and subtraction. Plus, we use counting all the time. It’s a key tool for performing everyday tasks.

Kids are naturally curious, and their journey into the world of numbers often starts sooner than we think. Many begin to show an interest in counting as young as two or three years old, sparked by simple activities like counting their fingers, toes, or the toys they play with. As they grow, this curiosity extends to counting steps on a staircase, or the number of birds they see at the park.

By the time they reach reception, a lot of children can confidently count up to ten, and some even venture beyond into larger numbers. This early exposure lays the groundwork for more complex maths skills they’ll acquire in school. However, it’s essential to remember that every child is unique, and they develop these skills at their own pace.

What’s most important is creating a positive and fun environment around numbers. Integrating counting into daily activities, like setting the table or sorting laundry, can make it a more natural and enjoyable learning experience. Stories, songs, and games centered around numbers also encourage kids to embrace counting, setting them on a path to becoming confident counters.

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