Long division is a written method for solving division problems where the divisor is 2 digits. We can also use it to find remainders in division problems. Remainders are the amount left over after a division calculation.
Example 1 => 12 goes into 4 zero times, so we look at 49. How many times does 12 go into 49? 12 goes into 48 four times. 49 subtract 48 leaves a remainder of 1. Write the remaining 1 underneath the 9 and 8 with the 2 from above next to it to make 12. How many times does 12 go into 12? 12 goes into 12 once, with no remainder.
Example 2 => 14 goes into 2 zero times, so we look at 29. How many times does 14 go into 29? 14 goes into 28 twice. 29 subtract 28 leaves a remainder of 1. Write the remaining 1 underneath the 9 and 8 with the 7 from above next to it to make 17. How many times does 14 go into 17? 14 goes into 14 once. 17 subtract 14 leaves a remainder of 3.
Example 3 => 13 goes into 2 zero times, so we look at 28. How many times does 13 go into 28? 13 goes into 26 twice. 28 subtract 26 leaves a remainder of 2. Write the remaining 2 underneath the 8 and 6 with the 9 from above next to it to make 29. How many times does 13 go into 29? 13 goes into 26 twice. 29 subtract 26 leaves a remainder of 3. Write the remaining 3 underneath the 9 and 6 with the 9 from above next to it to make 39. How many times does 13 go into 39? 13 goes into 39 three times, with no remainder.
Example 4 => 12 goes into 1 zero times, so we look at 15. How many times does 12 go into 15? 12 goes into 12 once. 15 subtract 12 leaves a remainder of 3. Write the remaining 3 underneath the 5 and 2 with the 9 from above next to it to make 39. How many times does 12 go into 39? 12 goes into 36 three times. 39 subtract 36 leaves a remainder of 3. Write the remaining 3 underneath the 9 and 6 with the 8 from above next to it to make 38. How many times does 12 go into 38? 12 goes into 36 three times. 38 subtract 36 leaves a remainder of 2.
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