Year 4 maths

The older students get, the more there is to learn! Year 4 maths presents exciting challenges like multiplication and division, graphing data, and more. DoodleMaths has all of the guides, games, and practice problems your child needs to face the challenges of Year 4 maths and come out a champion. 

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Select a skill

It’s finally time to step into the exciting world of multiplication, division, and fractions! Whether you’re looking for more practice with a concept from class or trying to challenge your knowledge, DoodleMaths has everything you need to become a real Year 4 maths wiz. Select a skill to practise or review. 


Learn how to multiply factors together to get a product. 


Learn how to divide numbers to find the quotient. 

Word problems

Solve real-world word problems using multiplication and division. 


Explore fractions as numbers and understand how to use them. 


Use metric units to determine the length of objects. 


Solve for area, perimeter, volume and more. 


Learn how to multiply factors together to get a product. 


Learn how to divide numbers and find the quotient. 

Word problems

Solve real-world word problems using multiplication and division. 


Explore fractions as numbers and understand how to use them. 


Use metric units to determine the length of objects. 


Solve for area, perimeter, volume and more. 

Year 4 maths support

Whether you’re a first-time parent to a Year 4 maths student or it’s your third time around the block, our goal is to take the guesswork out of primary maths. Browse our Year 4 maths guides designed to make learning maths a breeze.

All about Year 4 maths

In Year 4 maths your learners are slowly building their confidence as they tackle more complicated mathematical concepts. This year they’ll spend time finessing some of the skills they’ve been working on ahead of a more challenging Year 5!

What's taught in Year 4 maths?

As in Year 3 maths, Year 4 covers seven key maths topics that will builds on everything learners covered in the previous year. These include number—place value, number—addition and subtraction, number—multiplication and division, number—fractions, geometry, measurement and statistics.


The area of number is further broken down into four categories; place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and fractions. 

In Year 4, students will learn to:


In Year 3 learners will cover many aspects of measuring and practise unit conversions for the first time. By the end of Year 4 they’ll know how to:


Your learners will also further develop their skills in geometry as they learn how to:

  • Classify a range of different shapes based on their properties
  • Identify obtuse and acute angles
  • Find lines of symmetry in shapes


In Year 4 maths, students will be developing their knowledge of statistics. They’ll be learning how to solve problems using information from different types of graphs and charts.

FAQs about Year 4 maths

One of the key focuses of maths for Year 4 students is the multiplication tables. It’s important that they’ve learned these by the end of the year. 

Additionally, they’ll be comfortable working with 4-digit numbers in a range of mathematical operations and will be introduced to converting fractions into decimal numbers.

Aside from knowing all of their multiplication tables, there are many different statutory requirements that Year 4 students must meet before the end of the year. 

For a full overview of everything your child needs to know, take a look at our full Year 4 curriculum overview!

Parents, sign up for a DoodleMaths subscription and see your child become a maths wizard!