Year 1 Maths

From counting to 100 to recognising shapes and drawing pictures of the world using those shapes, we have the maths games, worksheets, and guides parents need to put their Year 1 maths pupils at the top of the class!

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Select a skill

Review shapes, practise counting skills and more with DoodleMaths’ games, worksheets, and resources. Select a maths skill and sharpen your pupil’s maths knowledge, or build their confidence with additional practice exercises!


Learn your counting numbers, 1 to 100.


Add numbers together, group pairs, and more.


Learn how to make numbers smaller by subtracting.


Discover what shapes make our round world go round!


Explore what it means to have ‘more’ or ‘less.’

Place value

Learn how many 1s are in a 10!


Learn your numbers, 1 to 100.


Add numbers together, group pairs, and more.


Learn how to make numbers smaller by subtracting.


Discover what shapes make our round world go round!


Explore what it means to have ‘more’ or ‘less.’

Place value

Learn how many 1s are in a 10!

Year 1 maths support

Whether you’re a first-time parent to a Year 1 student or it’s your third time around the block, our goal is to take the guesswork out of primary maths. Browse our Year 1 maths guides designed to make learning maths a breeze.

All about Year 1 maths

The Year 1 maths curriculum is where learners will begin their Key Stage 1 journey. This year is all about learning the basics across six different fundamental areas of maths.

The skills they’ll begin to learn in Year 1 will prepare them for all that’s to come as they move through their primary school education and beyond!

What maths is taught in Year 1?

Maths for Year 1 consists of six key areas and will help learners get to grips with the foundational skills they’ll need in each. Let’s break these down below.


The subject of number is further broken down into four categories; place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and fractions. 

Within this, your Year 1 students will learn:


The topic of measurement covers measuring, time and money. In Year 1, learners will cover:

  • Transitioning from using non-standard units of measure to standard units of measure
  • The value of all of the different coins and notes
  • How to tell the time to the nearest hour and the nearest half hour


Students will cover the basics of shape and direction in Year 1. This means that by the end of the year, they’ll be able to:

  • Identify different 2D and 3D shapes
  • Use whole, half, and quarter turns to describe movement and direction

Are there Year 1 maths assessments?

There are no maths assessments in Year 1. In place of formal assessments, teachers will monitor their student’s progress throughout the year using a range of informal assessment strategies. 

How can I help my child with maths Year 1?

A great way to give your child some Year 1 maths help is to give them lots of practice at the different skills they’re learning. Our fantastic maths app has thousands of fun and interactive curricular-aligned games that your little learner is sure to love.

You can also try out these 50 maths questions for Year 1 with your learners to get a good idea of their progress!

FAQs about Year 1 maths?

By the end of Year 1, your students should have a firm grasp of the numbers 0 to 100. Additionally, they should be able to perform simple operations (+, -, ÷, x) on numbers up to 20. They should be able to identify a range of 2D and 3D shapes, all of the different coins and notes, and be able to use simple units of measurement.

Within the national curriculum for maths Year 1 students will be required to meet a whole host of statutory requirements before they move on to Year 2. 

For a full overview of everything your child needs to know by the end of Year 1, take a look at our full Year 1 curriculum overview!

Parents, sign up for a DoodleMaths subscription and see your child become a maths wizard!