Year 2 maths

Practise important Year 2 maths skills like addition, subtraction, measurement, shapes, fractions and more with our games, worksheets, and fun-filled guides. Follow along with classroom activities or scaffold your learning to build a path from least advanced to more advanced topics to become the ultimate maths wiz kid!

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We’ve gone through the national maths curriculum and pulled the maths skills you need to become a pro at Year 2 maths! If you’re struggling with addition, enjoy some resources to help catch you up to speed. Or, if you’re looking to get even stronger at your measurement or patterns skills, take a peek and build your confidence!


Learn and practise how to add.


Learn and practise subtraction.


All about how to measure.

Place Value

Learn how to recognise and create patterns.


Shape up on circles, squares, rectangles and more. 


Practise how to tell time and never be late.


Learn and practise how to add.


Learn and practise subtraction.


All about how to measure.

Place Value

Learn how to recognise and create patterns.


Shape up on circles, squares, rectangles and more. 


Learn how to tell time & read analog clocks.

Year 2 maths support

Whether you’re a first-time parent to a Year 2 student or it’s your third time around the block, our goal is to take the guesswork out of primary maths. Browse our Year 2 maths guides designed to make learning maths a breeze.

All about Year 2 maths

Welcome to the final year of Key Stage 1 maths! This means that in Year 2, your learners are almost at the end of getting to grips with the basics that they’ll use throughout their maths journey.

This year, they’ll further develop the foundational skills they worked on in Year 1 maths ensuring that they’re well prepared before they move on to Key Stage 2.

What's taught in Year 2 maths?

The Year 2 maths curriculum covers seven key areas and will build on everything learners covered in Year 1. These include number—place value, number—addition and subtraction, number—multiplication and division, number—fractions, geometry, measurement and statistics.


As in Year 1, the area of number is broken down into the four categories of place value, addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, and fractions

In addition to practising what they have learned in Year 1, Year 2 students will learn:

  • To write numbers 0 to 100 using words
  • To work with numbers up to 100 as they add, subtract, multiply, and divide 
  • To count in 10s and 3s
  • The 2, 5 and 10 times tables
  • To write and identify a range of different fractions including ½, ⅓, and ¼ 
  • To identify equivalent fractions


Your learners will delve a little deeper into the topic of geometry in Year 2 maths covering shapes, position and direction. They’ll be taught how to:

  • Identify the different properties of 2D and 3D shapes (faces, edges, and vertices)
  • Continue and create different patterns and sequences


In Year 2 learners will cover many aspects of measuring, time, and money. As well as what they learned in Year 1, by the end of Year 2 they’ll know how to:


Year 2 maths is when children will be introduced to statistics. They’ll be taught how to:

  • Read different types of graphs and tables such as pictograms and tally charts
  • Record, interpret and compare data

Are there Year 2 maths assessments?

There are no maths assessments in Year 2. Class teachers will instead monitor their students’ progress using a range of informal assessment strategies throughout the year.

How can I help my child with maths Year 2?

The best way to ensure your child gets the best out of their maths education in Year 2 is to ensure they’re getting lots of time to practise the basic (but important!) skills they’re learning!

There are lots of ways to help with maths for Year 2 students, such as practising skills like counting or doing a few simple sums on a daily basis. You could also try out these 45 Year 2 maths questions to test your learners’ skills!

Another option is the incredible DoodleLearning maths app which offers a super interactive way for your learners to get in that all-important maths practice!

FAQs about Year 2 maths

By the end of Year 2, students should be comfortable working with numbers up to 100 across the four operations (+, -, ÷, x). They should know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables and be able to work with simple fractions.

They should be able to tell the time to the nearest 5-minute interval, describe 2D and 3D shapes by their properties, and read simple charts such as pictograms and tally charts.

As they come to the end of their Key Stage 1 journey for maths Year 2 students will be required to meet a whole host of statutory requirements before they are ready for Year 3 maths and Key Stage 2. 

For a full overview of everything your child needs to know by the end of Year 2, take a look at our full Year 2 curriculum overview!

Parents, sign up for a DoodleMaths subscription and see your child become a maths wizard!