Measuring progress by DoodleAge or end of year objectives: what’s the difference?

There are two key ways you can measure your child’s progress in the Parent Dashboard. In this blog, we look at what they are and the differences between them. 


DoodleAge is a way of measuring your child’s overall level of understanding. If a child has a DoodleAge of 7.5, they will be working at the level of an average 7-and-a-half year old. We calculate this by looking at the point your child is in their work programme in terms of the questions they are currently being asked. We then compare this to the average age of other children in our system who are at a similar point in their programme.

Within the Analyse section of the Dashboard, you can measure your child’s progress by looking at changes to their DoodleAge over time. A blue bar indicates an increase in DoodleAge and this view also shows your child’s actual age (grey bar) as a comparison (the colour of the bar will vary depending on the subject). 

End of year objectives

If you change your measure to EoY Objectives, you will see a slightly different graph. Here, progress is measured based on the percentage of national curriculum end of year objectives that your child has covered, with a blue bar showing an increase (the colour of the bar will vary depending on the subject).

When you change between DoodleAge progress to EoY Objectives progress, you may notice that their DoodleAge is in line with their real age, but they haven’t covered any of their current year group objectives yet. This is nothing to worry about. In fact, this is the case for most of our users and doesn’t necessarily mean your child is working below their age-related expectations. 

The most important thing is that the questions they are being asked are sufficiently challenging to them as an individual to ensure progress, without being excessively difficult and leaving them demoralised.

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